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Featuring: Lesbians Illinois - Join Our 100% Free Site Today!

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Love is Friendship on Fire!

Age 54 From Lemont, Illinois - Online Today
Woman Seeking A Woman (286 Miles Away)

I have a great job, oodles of hobbies, a great family, a clean house, and two dogs that I adore! There is room for more! Relationships are a privilege and really good ones are a gift. The responsibility of being the one someone really counts on...

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Single again.. Cancer Sucks so here I am

Age 54 From Argonne, Illinois - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Woman (286 Miles Away)

super loving, very generous and a lover of life. I am fun, a multitasking woman, who can fix or build most anything. I play guitar, sing in a band as well..something I plan to do until I am old and gray!

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looking for the one

Age 46 From Mason City, Illinois - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Woman (354 Miles Away)

I'm simple close with family I enjoy cooking I like all kinds of music classic country is my favorite I like to karaoke and all things outside I have 2dogs & 2 cats I own my own home

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looking for a stud

Age 32 From Markham, Illinois - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Woman (269 Miles Away)

I'm very trustworthy cute I'm 4'9 I am 22 years of age

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having a good time

Age 43 From Chicago, Illinois - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Woman (275 Miles Away)

im married with 2 children ,and i also love women ,but i never been with one,im very nice,shine ,african american ,and i like to flirt.

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looking for a lot of fun.

Age 39 From Centralia, Illinois - Online Today
Woman Seeking A Woman (342 Miles Away)

A fun person and very loving just been hurt so much. Tired of being hurt want some one to love me

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Great Chatroom for Lesbians Illinois!

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